So, Why don't you make an actual demo of the second pico game? I mean... Do you wanna keep us in this much suspense? or is it going to happen (unless I'm missing something which I probably am cause I don't read the er... Message boards)
So, Why don't you make an actual demo of the second pico game? I mean... Do you wanna keep us in this much suspense? or is it going to happen (unless I'm missing something which I probably am cause I don't read the er... Message boards)
Agreeing Strongly
You honestly have talent, I'll give you some credit.. You need to use your skills on a more..
thought out level.. and alot more creative.. these matrix rip offs do get old.. i'm glad you didn't go entirely stick figure but it was still pretty sad, and downright pitiful.. The music drove me nuts I hope if you ever decide to do more animations (if there not based on sesame street) just keep that kinda thing out it's not exactly a perfect fit to what this "parody" was supposed to represent. I Agree very much with the last review, These Matrix..erm.. rip offs are getting old.. haha.. plus unlike the animatrix (which was gorgeous and deffinetly worked hard on) Well.. You see my point... Your work should go into a different direction.. I say watch some more toons and get some inspiration (just don't copy then) I'm sure you got some inspiration out of the matrix but that was just LAME.. i say that sincerely and I hope you take this seriously.
I may have wasted 20 seconds of my life
but you wasted more making the animation
not your best dude... was it your first?
Heh.. I havant been able to get in contact with you so I figured may aswell post a review in hopes you'll find me :D
I had a few ideas I wanted to see if you wanna to do a project together... :D
most of the shit I've seen of yours kicks all ass :D I'm usually never disapointed.... except for this ofcourse :D.... My girlfriend thinks your hot... haha.... Crazy Shit.... just e-mail me dude if you get the chance... deadangelballad@hotmail.com and tell me what you think.... or just put in comments or whatever or however you wanna go about leaving me a message... see ya later dude
All and All
I've downloaded that mp3 a million times and it never gets dull.. I am was wondering if you were the one who first created it.. or if you just got the mp3 and decided you would make a cool movie to go along with it... either way.. cool shit... keep up the good work
Eh.... Blah
Truth be told I am a huge kirby Fan.
I still consider myself the kirby king :D
The king of all kirby masters :D
Anyway I did not like this one at all...
You jsut kinda mixed it around and it did not have the same feel as all the games or anything...plus the music was pure crap... expecially for a damn kirby tribute... :D Get it Straight...
You seem to have enough talent to make flash animations and when I say talent I mean.,.
You can draw and put music there... :D Anyway That's All I gotta say :D
Not Great... Well not too good... I hope you decide you change your plans for the future...
you seem to have enough talent.. it just has to be used... just a little critisism......
I am not trying to put you down man...
have i ever told anyone that i really hate critisism
Loved it
Haha, Gotta love mortal kombat outakes.. hahaha... keep up the good work.. if you decide to do more stuff like thins... please omit the britnet spears.. egad I did not like that one
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Joined on 12/21/02